Let’s talk about Ghost Game episodes 5-8! We talk about Kiyoshiro’s chuuniful debut, Sistermon Ciel’s gleeful murder death race, how we are (/were) feeling about the show’s pacing 8 episodes in, and whether the episodic formula is starting to weigh on us. (Note: this episode was recorded in early December. Apologies for the delay!)

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News of the month:

  • Aster: ESRB rating for Digimon Survive
  • Touya: Uncertain future of Cardfight Vanguard making the Digimon TCG look glowing in comparison
  • Jeff: A new nearby local game store hosting Digimon events (but also US-specific delays for BT6/ST7-8/EX1 splintering the English side of the game…)

Other things mentioned this week:


  • Episode 5: J(★★★★★), A(★★★★☆), T(★★★★☆)
  • Episode 6: J(★★☆☆☆), A(★★☆☆☆), T(★★☆☆☆)
  • Episode 7: J(★½☆☆☆), A(★★★☆☆), T(★★★☆☆)
  • Episode 8: J(★★★★½), A(★★★★★), T(★★★★☆)

Ghosts of the Month:

  • Jeff: BlackTailmon Uver.
  • Aster: Sistermon Ciel
  • Touya: BlackTailmon Uver.

Special Thanks

Our Gammamon artwork is by the amazing Sinobali. Check out their main art Twitter, shitposting Twitter, and Patreon!