Aaron returns to actually break the surprise Mimi episode curse, and to talk about how much we Taichi taichi Tai Taichi tai yagami Taichi Kamiya tai Taichi Tai Taichi taichi Taichi Tai tai tai tai taichi taichi taichi taichi taichi taichi taichi taichi taichi taichi taichi taichi taichi taichi taichi taichi taichi taichi taichi taichi taichi taichi taichi taichi taichi taichi taichi taichi taichi

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Things mentioned this week:


  • Aaron: ★★★☆☆
  • Jeff: ★★★☆☆


  • Aaron: Tailmon
  • Jeff: Algomon (Hot)

Follow Aaron:

Special Thanks

Our Agumon artwork is by extyrannomon. Check out the rest of their awesome Digimon fanart on Twitter or Deviantart.

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