Data Squad Fantasy Draft

Welcome to the Data Squad Fantasy Draft!


  • In each main Data Squad podcast episode (the ones numbered 5XX), each host will pick their MVP for that arc.
  • Before the episode comes out, you draft a DATS-style team of 1 human and 1 Digimon character (this team lasts for just the upcoming podcast episode).
  • And then you get points:
    • MVP Points: 1 point for each MVP on your draft team. [4 points available]
    • Ridiculous Points: 1 point awarded by each host to the draft spirit evolution that they find the most ridiculous. [4 points available]
    • Desired Points: 1 point awarded by each host to the draft team they most wish was an actual canonical team. [4 points available]
  • Draft teams do NOT have to be unique, so if two people submit the same team, both people will get the awarded Ridiculous Points and Desired Points.
  • Deliberation of the Ridiculous & Desired Points will not happen or be announced on the podcast itself (unlike in Season 3), but will be announced on social media.
  • The final episode of the season (510) will involve awarding a bunch of bonus points to contestants based on all previous entries.
  • At the end of the season, we’ll distribute the following prizes:
    • 1st place: a copy of the English Data Squad DVD Boxset and 3 picks of prizes from our Tri Giveaway pool
    • 2nd place: 2 picks of prizes from the Tri Giveaway pool
    • 3-5th place: 1 pick of prize from the Tri Giveaway pool

How to Enter

  • You can enter by replying to the calls for draft picks on, Twitter, Tumblr, or Facebook.
  • In the weeks before an episode comes out, we’ll post calling for draft picks. Reply to one of these posts with your picks to enter!
  • We can’t promise a specific schedule to the open calls for draft picks on social media, but you’ll be able to submit draft picks on this site as soon as the previous episode comes out (check the sidebar).
  • We advise that you pick one platform to enter and use that same platform each episode to make sure that all of your points get added to the same listener in our leaderboard. If you need to switch for whatever reason, let us know so we can be sure the points stay together.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do the characters we choose have to be from the episodes covered? Nope, they can be any characters! If you do that, you basically forfeit the ability to get MVP Points (it’s… very unlikely that we’d choose a character not present in the episodes as our MVP), but that might be worth the risk to get more Ridiculous Points or Make It Happen Points.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask us on social media.

Have fun, and good luck!